"You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love"

Monday, August 31, 2009

bosan dan pop art

Fuh. Hasil popopop art yang dibuat atas dasar nak try-try patu bertukar suka bertukar seronok dan bertukar tak boleh berhenti buat. Pop art sangat kool and warna die sangat vibrant (mood color saya sekarang ye). suka :)

1st attempt pop art.
muka sendiri :)

2nd attempt pop art.

3rd attempt pop art.
rambut blonde yang cool.

4th attempt pop art.

Hasil pop art lain akan di post lagi kalo tak banyak keje la. -__- sure banyak keje lepas ni. Anyways, saje try-try sebab nak tgk composition color okeh ke tak. Korang vote yang mane korang suka and I'll appreciate it so much thank you.



ajinda said...

shah LOL

ili aqilah effendi said...

haha shah cam bapuk sket :P
kang die bace ni mati aku :P

Aisyah Adam said...

aww iliiiiiiiiiii! gue terharu jadi model hang :p
pop art u nieh kaler sme lawaaaa,so CMYK gitu,i like! *save2*
keep up the really good work!

ili aqilah effendi said...

heh tq2..
sila2 save..
saje je buat pop art ni..
kte pon suke kaler die..heeee :]

PF37 said...

haha cantek la ili. kaler mode kita sama skang! CMYK rules! haha candekkk weyyy candekkkkkkk!
gua vote yg muka gua sendirik la wey! tp bibir tayah merah camtu kan wahahahaha! TAPI KALER BEST sbb nampak mcm iklan2 70's